
Béton poreux
Renovate its existing surface

Porous concrete

Rénovation d'un court de tennis en Béton poreux

Vous possédez un court de tennis, sa rénovation consiste à construire un nouveau revêtement sur le court existant. Vous avez choisi de construire un court en béton poreux.


Rénover sa surface existante, béton poreux, avant


Rénover sa surface existante, terrain de tennis béton poreux

La base.
Si le court existant est en béton alvéolaire, il est nécessaire de perforer la dalle pour assurer l’évacuation des eaux. Si le court existant est en résine, la pente existante permettra l’évacuation des eaux.
Afin de se désolidariser du court existant, il sera apporté une couche de 5 cm minimum de graviers.

The basis.

The manufacture of the porous amalgam is carried out in situ. The installation of expansion joints, during the pouring of the slab, prevents cracking during thermal amplitudes (frost, high heat) The galvanized connecting reinforcements, solidify the entire structure. Honeycomb concrete is a stable material, it does not soften under the effect of heat. Its thickness (9 cm) and its porosity make it a material that does not overload the soil (weight: 20 g / cm2) and therefore avoids deformation. Its durability allows us to guarantee it for 10 years, knowing that with hindsight, this is the only process which, built in the rules of the art, lasts more than 30 years.

The finish.
The application of an elastomer-based finish paint has very good wear resistance and gives a feeling of flexibility. Its renewal must be done every 10 years.

User maintenance.
Maintenance is simply removing leaves from the tennis court.

Specialized annual maintenance.

It is advisable to take out an annual maintenance contract to ensure the tennis qualities of the field.

Construction d'une nouvelle dalle sur support existant en béton poreux.


1. Couche de consolidation et pose des coffrages

Couche de solidarisation et pose des coffrages terrain de tennis

2. Dalle en béton poreux

Rénovation terrain de tennis, dalle en béton

3. Travail fini

Rénovation terrain de tennis

Nos réalisations en béton poreux